elementary news the linux world Tips and Tricks

elementary weekly #15

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New Terminal Search Feature

terminal searchThe Pantheon Terminal, which comes by default with elementary OS, already is one of the most advanced terminals available in Linux distributions, and it is still extending its advantages over other standard terminal solutions.

Starting with some upcoming version, a feature enabling users to search through the log of the terminal session will be integrated. It will allow users to enter a request and switch up and down to the results through the whole backlog as if it was a simple website. And it is easy as well, you will just need to click on the magnifying glass icon or press “CTRL+Shift+F” to open the search. Little things, like the warning for pasted commands requesting higher rights and the new and rare search feature, empower elementary’s terminal to be special and great.

Yesterdays original “announcement” by Daniel Foré

The other oneozon banner

Although my weekly news and this website in general are mainly focused on elementary OS, it is worth looking at a big competitor distribution in terms of style, user interface/experience and coolness. I’m talking about “Ozon OS“, which is based on fedora and surprisingly follows the same release philosophy: “when it’s ready!”.

ozon postOzon Hydrogen, which is going to be the first release of the co-developed operating system by Numix and Nitrux, is going beta soon, as announced earlier this week on the project’s Google+ page. Ozon uses the GNOME-based shell called “Atom”, which extends the GNOME environment with features and customizations. Its icons and themes are balanced between Numix’ and Nitrux’ style and the result looks pretty good in screenshots (and of course in the available icon- and theme packs). The preinstalled applications are obviously wisely chosen. I’ll surely test this young and interesting distribution once the beta gets released and likely write about it again, as it is more or less an “attack” on elementary’s user base.

But the project says, it would be still a long way to the release of the Beta-ISO-file, which is hugely awaited by the community, because they would still need to finish their website, produce a teaser video and fix problems with VirtualBox integration. In my opinion it is pretty mean to post that they already had the beta done, but won’t release it just then. We know the reasons, but they could’ve also just been quiet about the possible beta. What is your opinion on them announcing it without the release?

Tip of the week – Use Midori Add-ons

Midori offers some helpful preinstalled add-ons. For example one for cookie management or one for blocking annoying ads. There are still many more to try out and see which increases your browsing experience and safety. You can find these extensions when you click on the gear icon on the top right > settings > extensions. Have fun!

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